Termite Nests

No one can help feeling surprised at the sight of a termite nest erected on the ground by termites. These nests are architectural wonders, rising as high as 5 or 6 metres. When you compare the size of a termite and its nest, you will see that the termite has successfully completed an architectural project about 300 times bigger than itself. But what is even more astonishing is that the termites are blind. A person who has never seen the huge nests built by blind termites would probably think that they are made up of sand piles heaped upon each other. However, a termite nest proves to be of a design so marvellous it is difficult to believe: inside there are intersecting tunnels, corridors, ventilation systems, special fungus production yards and safety exits. If you assemble thousands of blind people and give them all kinds of technical tools, you can never make them set up a nest similar to the one made by the termite colony. So, just think: - How could a termite measuring 1-2 cm. in length have learnt the architectural and engineering information needed to make such a subtle design? - How could thousands of blind termites manage to work in harmony to build this construction which is an artistic wonder? -If you divide a termite nest into two during the first stages of its construction, and then reunite it, you will see that all passage-ways, canals and roads fit each other. How can this miraculous event be explained? The conclusion to be derived from this example is that God has created all living species uniquely and without the need of any prior example. Even one termite nest is enough for a person to comprehend God and believe that He is the One Who created all.